Posts tagged procrastination
Self-awareness is the first step to leveling up your career as a DJ/producer

The secret is out. Have you found yourself once again questioning the likelihood of achieving your goals as a DJ/producer? Feeling overwhelmed, unsure of what direction to go in and riddled with anxious thoughts and feelings. You want to move the needle in your dance music career but you have no idea where to start. We’ve got you. The first step in regaining control over your life as a creator in music is to focus your energy on becoming more self-aware.

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Beat procrastination in electronic music

Oftentimes DJs/producers think their problem is procrastination, lack of motivation or not having enough knowledge or time, while actually, they are feeling overwhelmed and just want more time. What happens when you think you need more time - more time to work on your music, more time to learn, more time to figure things out, is that you’re actually putting off making decisions.

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