Signs that you're heading for mental burnout in dance music and what you can do about it

Outline of Male dance music DJ behind the decks with blue lights shining down

Real talk. The electronic music industry can be a fast-paced, competitive vortex of wild parties, long studio days and constantly thinking about how lucky we are to have walked the same planet as Kraftwerk. That’s a lot for anyone to handle. Plus your personal life and any other job roles you have. It’s no wonder that so many DJ/producers I’ve worked with often want to discuss ways in which they can avoid the dreaded burnout.  

The key here is prevention. If you can understand what burnout is and how it shows up for you, then you’re in a powerful position to start prioritising your mental wellness and beat the hustle.

So, what exactly is burnout?

Caused by prolonged stress and a lack of rest, burnout is an accumulation of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. And trust me, if you’ve never experienced it, it’s just as bad as it sounds. 

In DJ terms, your mind and body are redlined. 

These feelings will build up gradually and eventually there will be a breaking point where your body steps in and says ‘enough is enough.’ This can show up as an anxiety attack, or perhaps an emotional outburst. It will vary for everyone.

However, the good news is that burnout can be prevented when we take care of our mental and physical health and learn how to spot the early signs. 

Here are some of the signs that you could be heading for mental burnout.

You feel completely exhausted.

Possibly the most obvious sign of pending burnout is your complete lack of energy. You may feel that no matter how many hours of sleep you get, you’re not feeling truly refreshed. 

Anxious thoughts and feelings intensify 

Although everyone encounters anxious thoughts and feelings throughout their lives. When your body and mind is run down these feelings can intensify and become extremely overwhelming. Not only does it feel worse, but it also can be triggered by things that normally wouldn’t phase you. Something such as posting on your DJ social media page. You do this on the daily but suddenly it feels so daunting and you want to procrastinate. 

Feelings of numbness

The opposite of your feelings over intensifying is that you may start to feel less and relate a feeling of emotional numbness. You don’t have the same care and passion that you used to and it can be a pretty uncomfortable feeling to sit with. 

You no longer enjoy things that used to make you happy. 

You’ve always loved DJing or producing mixes but you’re so exhausted that it no longer brings you the same joy and excitement. It may even feel like a chore!

You experience physical symptoms

This will vary from person to person but your body may be showing you signs of a pending burnout. It can show up as headaches, nausea, skin breakouts, dark circles under your eyes and many other ways. Pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you and act accordingly. Ensuring that you are keeping hydrated and maintaining a balanced diet that works for you. 

💬 New Text Message from The Captain: Oh hey! Hope you’re finding this blog post super useful so far. Please be aware that some of the signs of burnout can be similar to other mental disorders and illnesses so please do seek support from your local Doctor/GP if these feelings persist or become too much.

What can you do when you feel that you’re heading for burnout?

young man sitting on a wall writing in a journal

We’ve got you! Here are some simple steps that you can take when you’re starting to feel exhausted and run down in dance music

Allow yourself time to rest

Rest is so important for your mental and physical wellbeing. If you feel that you’re heading for burnout, allow yourself to prioritise time for rest. Regularly taking breaks, and getting good quality sleep is so important in preventing these feelings of exhaustion again. Yeah, that might mean missing that night out with your friends but your mind and body will thank you for this.

Journal your thoughts and feelings

You can use journaling to empty your thoughts and feelings onto paper and clear your head. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your workload it can also help you to process what’s going on in your life and work through each area step by step. 

Reduce your screen time

Step away from your phone...once you’ve finished reading this blog of course!😉 

Sometimes we can forget just how much content our brains consume whilst scrolling through news feeds. No wonder you’re feeling mentally drained! So, reducing your screen time can help you to unwind and recharge.

Talk with a friend

Find a trustworthy friend or a fellow DJ/producer who you can confide in to share your load and feel comforted that they too may share some of your experiences. Maybe you’re not the only one worried about getting back behind the decks after the pandemic! Talking about how you feel and what’s going on in your lives can really help to gather some perspective and to feel heard and supported. 

 📩 You’ve got mail! Dear reader, if you are looking to chat about anything that resonated with you from this post, then my DMs on Instagram are always open @theunicornmothership. See you there!

These are just some of the ways that you can better manage burnout prevention so that you can show up fully energised in your electronic music career. 

For more support on achieving greater mental wellness as a DJ/producer, then you can check out my Free Electronic Music Wellness Library. Here you can access interactive training, guides and more that are all designed to help you take your first steps towards wellness dance music.